Descripción y aplicaciones

• Tubular wire for self shielded metal arc hardfacing

• Highly-alloyed chromium cast iron containing complex niobium, vanadium and chromium carbides

• High chromium cast iron for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact up to 400°C.


FCW VNB is designed to give a weld deposit of particularly high hardness and wear resistance on account of the dispersion of complex carbides it contains. This gives superior performance compared to standard chromium cast irons up to 400°C. The properties are reached in only three layers and relief checking is normal.


Used for rotating excavator bucket, lignite crushers-fans, Clinker crushers, homogenisers for coal or coke, Sintering installations, equipment for the electro-metallurgical industry etc.


EN 14700
T Fe16

Análisis químico (%)

C Mn Si Cr Nb V B Fe
5.5 0.5 1.3 16.0 6.5 6.0 1.0 Rest

Propiedades mecánicas

Hardness – 3-Layer deposit on mild steel
65-67 HRc

Gas protector

Current type DC (+)
Shielding gas Self shielded

Parámetros de uso

Diameter [mm] Amperage [A] - Range Amperage [A] - Optimum Voltage [V] - Range Voltage [V] - Optimum Stick-out [mm] - Range Stick-out [mm] - Optimum
1.6 150-350 270 26-35 28 25-50 25
2.0 200-400 300 26-35 28 25-50 35
2.4 250-450 350 26-35 28 25-50 40
2.8 250-450 400 26-35 30 25-50 40

Posición de soldadura

Flat, half up, half down

Embalaje y diámetros

Diámetros [mm] ≤ 2.4 mm ≥ 2.4 mm ≥ 2.4 mm
Embalaje Spool : BS 300 Coil : B 450 Drum
Peso [Kg] 15 25 Up to 330
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