FCW Sub 22 9 3LG

Metal cored duplex stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding

Descripción y aplicaciones

· Metal cored duplex stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding

· 22% chromium - 9% nickel - 3% molybdenum - low carbon - nitrogen bearing weld metal

· Enhanced productivity, improved weldability, better wetting properties compared to solid wires

· Excellent weld metal quality and X-ray soundness

· Nitrogen free classical shielding gases are used for welding


Welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steels for service in the as-welded condition Heterogeneous welding between duplex stainless steels and other stainless and mild or low alloyed steels


UNS Material number EN Symbol
S31803 1. 4462 X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3
S32304 1. 4362 X2CrNiN 23 4


ASME IIC SFA 5.22 / AWS A 5.22 ASME IIC SFA 5.9 / AWS A 5.9 EN ISO 17633-A EN ISO 17633-B UNS Number
EC2209 EC2209 T 22 9 3 N L M M12 1 TS2209-M M12 1 S39209

Análisis químico (%)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo N S P
0.02 1.4 0.6 23.0 9.5 3.3 0.15 0.008 0.02

Propiedades mecánicas

Rm (MPa) Rp0.2 (MPa) A5 (%) CVN (J)
800 610 28 -40°C: 35

Gas protector

M12 Ar + 0.5 % < CO2 ≤ 2.5 with or without helium
Z Ar + CO2 ≤ 0.5 % with or without helium
I1 Ar

Parámetros de uso

Current type Gas flow rate Stick out Recovery
DC(+) / pulsed 10 - 20 l/min. 12 - 25 mm 98 %

Posición de soldadura

EN ISO 6947: PA, PB.

ASME IX: 1G, 1F, 2F.

FCW Sub 22 9 3LG is primarily used in the flat and horizontal positions. However, welds in other positions are also possible using the short-circuiting or pulsed arc modes of transfer.

Embalaje y diámetros

Diámetros [mm] 1.2 1.2 - 1.6
Embalaje Spool S200 Spool BS300
Peso [Kg] 5 15
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