Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing

Descripción y aplicaciones

• Tubular wire for gas shielded metal arc hardfacing

• Suitable for withstanding corrosion and metal-metal wear at high temperature up to 650ºC

• An economical alternative to stellite material


FCW DCO O is used for surfacing hot-working tools and allowed to buildup thick coatings without risk of cracking


Hardfacing hot working stamping punches, dies, extrusion pistons, mandrels, continuous casting rolls.


EN 14700
T ZFe3

Análisis químico (%)

C Mn Si Cr Mo Ni Co Fe
0.15 0.4 0.7 14.5 2.5 0.5 12.5 Rest

Propiedades mecánicas

Hardness – 3-Layer deposit on mild steel
45-52 HRc

Gas protector

Current type DC (+)
Shielding Self shielded

Parámetros de uso

Diameter [mm] Amperage [A] Voltage [V] Stick-out [mm] Recovery
1.2 100-300 21-35 12-25 90%
1.6 150-300 24-35 15-25 90%
2.0 200-400 26-35 20-50 90%
2.4 250-450 26-35 25-50 90%
2.8 250-450 28-35 25-50 90%

Posición de soldadura

Flat, half up, half down

Embalaje y diámetros

Diámetros [mm] 1.2 - 1.6 - 2.0 - 2.4 2.4 - 2.8 2.4 - 2.8
Embalaje Spool BS 300 Coil B 450 Drum
Peso [Kg] 15 25 Up to 330
Descripción - - Other packaging: please consult us
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