Description & applications

• Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding

• 19% chromium - 9% nickel - low carbon deposit

• Exceptional resistance to moisture pick up

• Attractive bead appearance, automatic slag release, very good penetration and high productivity

• Excellent X-ray soundness

• Maximum performances in the horizontal and downhand positions

• Welded with classical economical Ar-CO2 mixtures or CO2


FCW S 308L is suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr and 8 to 13% Ni, stabilised or not. Service temperatures are typically -196°C to about 400°C.


AWS A 5.22: EN ISO 17633-A: EN ISO 17633-B ASME IX Qualification
E308LT0-4 - E308LT0-1 T 19 9 L R M 3 - T 19 9 L R C 3 TS308L-FB0 QW432 F-N° 6 / QW442 A-N° 8

Typical weld metal composition (%)

C Mn Si Cr Ni
0.03 1.4 0.7 20.0 10.5

All weld metal mechanical properties

Rm (MPa) Rp0.2 (MPa) A5 (%) KCV
620 460 36 -196°C : 32 J

Shielding gas

Argon + 5-50% CO2 (-); 100% CO2 (C1); Argon + 5-25% CO2 + 10-30% He (M211)

Operating conditions

Diameter [mm] Current type Intensity [A] Voltage [V] Stick-out [mm] Gas flow
0.9 DC (+) 80-250 18-32 12-20 10 - 20 l/min
1.2 DC (+) 100-270 23-35 12-25 10 - 20 l/min
1.6 DC (+) 150-400 23-37 12-25 10 - 20 l/min

Welding positions

EN ISO 6947: PA, PB.

ASME IX: 1G, 1F, 2F.

Packings & Diameters

Diameters [mm] 0.9 - 1.2 0.9 - 1.2 - .16
Packing(s) Spool S200 Spool BS300
Weight [Kg] 5 15
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